Build Your Advertising plan
Step #10: Referral Marketing
One of the most frequently missed opportunities among businesses is failing to implement a referral marketing strategy. Customer feedback and corresponding referrals can become one of your biggest competitive advantages when leveraged properly. The process starts by engineering a funnel that turns passive customers into engaged advocates. With the proper planning and by implementing the right technology, generating referral sales will become second nature to your organization.
There are three stages to a referral marketing program: planning, implementation and execution. At Ignition we provide assistance across all three phases, working closely with your organization to ensure a tight integration. Once running full speed, you will be amazed at the effect a referral program has across your organization. Marketing dollars will go further and your sales staff will have more leads than ever before.
One of the most powerful parts of Referral Marketing is that it can begin generating results immediately. By leveraging your existing customer list, you can start seeing a return on your investment in as little as 4 weeks. For most organizations, Referral Marketing is always money well spent.
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