Build Your Advertising plan
Step #7: Social Media Optimization & Planning
Social Media can be a powerful force that gets your company involved in the conversation. But, when done improperly it can quickly become an achilles heal. Failing to have a social media plan can end in disaster. We help you capitalize on social media without it becoming a liability.
Our philosophy is that social media should ALWAYS integrate closely with your internal staff. Your employees must be the ones spearheading the effort. It is simply impossible to outsource social media, messages and responses must originate from your organization. Think about this, would you outsource incoming phone calls to someone that has only spent several hours learning about what you do? We hope not! Social media is no different than a phone, it’s simply a different channel to direct communication.
It all starts by creating a social media plan for your organization. We begin by looking closely at your industry and expectations of customers to generate a set of standard operating procedures. These procedures will govern the process of drafting messages, proper review and on-going communication. Upon completing a Social Media Plan, you will have a clear set of tasks and guidelines enabling you to assign social media responsibilities to your staff.
After planning and implementation, we can help your team with on-going oversight and feedback. We’re happy to work closely with employees to improve the impact of messages and offer an expert review prior to distribution. We’ll improve your social media by overseeing the effort and helping to bring stories from within your organization into the online conversation.
Do you need help with managing your Social Media?
Yes, please help me
No, I’ve got Social Media covered